Independent Energy Consulting

RES Connections

Developing IT Solutions


DBCM (until 2018 Dr Barzyk Consulting) is a business offering services in areas of expertise of its members:

  • Consulting in the Polish energy market
  • Analysis of Network Connection Possibilities
  • Technical support services in the field of information technology, design of IT solutions

Selected projects

Our Team

Grzegorz Barzyk

The owner and founder of the company, Dr. Eng. Grzegorz Barzyk (born 1971), holds a master's and doctoral degree from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the Szczecin University of Technology (P.S. – currently the West Pomeranian University of Technology - ZUT), majoring in electrical engineering. He was an employee of P.S. for nine years, where he conducted research on the cooperation of wind power plants with the power system. He taught several subjects both at P.S. and in postgraduate studies conducted by the Cracow University of Technology (2009) and the Lazarski University in Warsaw (2011-2013).

He is the author of several dozen scientific and technical publications on energy, especially RES.
He holds SEP expert licenses specializing in wind power plants.
He is a two-time beneficiary of EU funds from the RPO West Pomeranian Voivodeship program.
In 2011, he received the nomination of the Police Municipality for the economic award of the Szczecin Metropolitan Area in the category Innovative Company of the Year.

He was an expert of the KOP RPO West Pomeranian Voivodeship for the years 2007-2013 for the evaluation of projects in the field of energy infrastructure and air protection and RES.
He was an IPIEO expert (2009), and from 2010 to 2013, he was an expert of the Ministry of Economy for the evaluation of POIiŚ projects under actions 9.4, 9.5, 9.6, 10.3.

From 2016-2022, he was an expert of the Ministry of Energy for the evaluation of applications under sub-measure 1.1.2 Supporting projects related to the construction and reconstruction of networks enabling the connection of RES generation units under measure 1.1 Supporting the generation and distribution of energy from renewable sources, as well as under the call for proposals for sub-measure 1.4.1 Support for the construction of intelligent pilot and demonstration energy networks under measure 1.4 Developing and implementing intelligent distribution systems operating at low and medium voltage levels, Priority I Reducing the emissivity of the economy of the Operational Program Infrastructure and Environment 2014-2020 (Agreement No. 24/II/F/POIiŚ/75001/4178/16/DFE).

From 2018-2022, he was listed as a court expert at the District Court in Szczecin in the field of "electricity and energy, especially wind energy."

From 2016-2020, he was an expert of the Oil and Gas Institute for the evaluation of applications for measure 7.1 Development of intelligent energy storage, transmission, and distribution systems, Priority VII Improving energy security of the Operational Program Infrastructure and Environment 2014-2020 (agreement No. 230/2016).

From 2021-2023, he was an expert of the National Centre for Research and Development in Warsaw (Agreement No. 454/2021).

Since 2024, he has been an expert of the Polish Science Foundation (FNP) for the evaluation of applications (Agreement No. 683/2024/LE valid until 2035) for funding under the European Funds for Modern Economy 2021-2027 (FENG) in the fields of: electrical engineering, electronics, IT engineering. From 2019-2023, he was a technological expert of the FNP in the field of: Electrical engineering, electronics, IT engineering under the Intelligent Development Operational Program 2014-2020 for Action 4.4 "Increasing the HR potential of the R&D sector."

Since 2022, he has been a partner and shareholder in the company Sun Capital V Sp. z o.o., which implemented and operates the Burkat (Działdowo) photovoltaic farm with a capacity of 8 MWp.


Training Materials
  1. Wind Energy - Basics
  2. Wind Energy - Basics cont.
  3. Wind Energy - Energy Aspects
  4. Current State (2003) and Forecast for Wind Energy Development in Poland
  5. Energy Production at the Pole - Lesson for Youth - Developed for the Marek Kamiński Foundation
  6. Energy Directives and Their Impact on Shaping Polish Energy Law - Developed for the West Pomeranian District Chamber of Civil Engineers
  7. Connection of Wind Power Plants to the Energy Network in the Context of IRIESD Regulations

Published in Conference Materials
  1. Barzyk G., Jarmusz M.: Utilization of methods of control systems active diagnosis for improvement of control quality coefficients; 2nd ISTC UEES'96; Szczecin-Międzyzdroje 1996
  2. Jarmusz M., Barzyk G.: Active diagnosis of self-tuning PID control systems based on analysis of internal phenomena within the controllers - selected applications; 2nd ISTC UEES'96; Szczecin-Międzyzdroje 1996
  3. Jarmusz M., Barzyk G.: Active diagnosis of self-tuning PID control systems based on analysis of internal phenomena within the controllers - main problems to be solved; 2nd ISTC UEES'96; Szczecin-Międzyzdroje 1996
  4. Barzyk G., Jarmusz M.: Project for optimizing the operation of a wind power plant system using a microprocessor regulator employing a setting selection verification procedure III International Conference of Energy Engineers, Ustronie 1997
  5. Jarmusz M., Barzyk G.: Technical, economic, and ecological conditions for the synthesis of regulation systems and automatic supervision of small and medium power chip heating plants; International Conference of Energy Engineers, Ustronie 1997
  6. Kalisiak S., Barzyk G.: Simple And Safe Wind Power Plant System Cooperating With Stationary Network, 3rd ISTC UEES'97; Alushta 1997
  7. Barzyk G., Dopiera M.: Significant parameters of wind power plants and their influence on receiving devices operation, 3rd ISTC UEES'97; Alushta 1997
  8. Kalisiak S., Barzyk G.: Wind power plant system cooperating with both rigid network and autonomous receiver; I International Scientific and Technical Conference "Safe power electronic devices; Warsaw 1998
  9. Dopiera M., Barzyk G.; Certain aspects of regulating low-voltage halogen lamps; Scientific and Technical Conference "Modern lighting systems"; Łódź 1998
  10. Barzyk G., Kalisiak S.; The structure of modern wind plants - a view of products of Vestas A/S; 4th ISTC UEES/99; St. Petersburg 1999
  11. Barzyk G.:Construction of wind plant - engineering strategy and technical aspects on the grounds of Nowogard's experience; 4th ISTC UEES/99; St. Petersburg 1999
  12. Barzyk G., Prasałek K.; On the use of a wind power plant to supply electricity to the Nowogard sewage treatment plant; International Scientific and Technical Conference Wind Power Plants 2000; Kołobrzeg 2000
  13. Barzyk G., Dopiera M., Skorski J.; Application of biogas installation to production of electric power in Szczecin; 4th ICEE 2000; Moscow-Kl’azma 2000
  14. Barzyk G.; Project to increase ecological awareness through the implementation of a training program in renewable energy sources; International Seminar Wind Energy on Land and Sea; Sopot 2000
  15. Barzyk G., Szwed P. Some aspects related to the creation of an expertise on the impact of connected wind power plants on the existing power system; I Conference Development of Wind Energy in Northern Poland; Szczecin 2001
  16. Barzyk G. et al. Some aspects of wind turbines connection to the grid, 5th ISTC UEES’01; Szczecin -Międzyzdroje 2001
  17. Barzyk G., Szwed P. Practical implementation of expert opinions on the impact of connected installations belonging to the second connection group on the existing power system, 5th ISTC UEES’01; Szczecin - Międzyzdroje 2001
  18. Barzyk G. et al. Preservation of the agricultural function of lands designated for the construction of wind power plants; V International Scientific and Technical Conference UEES’01; Szczecin -Międzyzdroje 2001
  19. Barzyk G. et al. Comments on the possibility of connecting wind power plants and their impact on the national power system, Conference Development of Wind Energy Necessity or Idealism; Kielce 2002
  20. Barzyk G. Control system and model of a wind power plant; VIII Forum RES, Międzybrodzie Żywieckie 2002
  21. Barzyk G., Szwed P. The impact of changing types of wind power plants with comparable parameters on cooperation with the network node, IX Forum RES, Zakopane 2003
  22. Szwed P., Barzyk G. Technical and economic aspects of wind energy development in Poland. IX Forum RES Zakopane 2003
  23. Barzyk G. Selected problems related to the connection of wind power plants to the power grid; APE’03, Gdańsk 2003
  24. Barzyk G. Forecast for RES development in West Pomerania in the legal-technical context; Conference Renewable Energy in West Pomerania, Szczecin 2003
  25. Kotowska I., Barzyk G. Alternative transport options for wind power plant components in Poland; IX Forum RES, Warsaw 2004
  26. Barzyk G., Dopiera M. Influence analysis of small repowered wind power plants on the reliability of the local grid; UEES’04, Alushta 2004
  27. Barzyk G. Outline of wind energy, SEP Experts' Chamber O/Szczecin, Szczecin 2004
  28. Barzyk G. Impact of energy system configuration on transmission capabilities for connecting wind farms in a selected part of the West Pomeranian Voivodeship, II Conference Renewable Energy in West Pomerania; Koszalin 2004
  29. Barzyk G. Energy production at the pole, School at the pole, Marek Kamiński Foundation, Gdańsk 2005
  30. Barzyk G., Szwed P. Small wind power plants as sources of distributed generation; APE’05, Gdańsk 2005
  31. Barzyk G. Application of artificial intelligence methods in the wind power plant model; APE’05, Gdańsk 2005
  32. Barzyk G. Application of animal-derived biomass as an element of RES, III Conference Renewable Energy in West Pomerania, Szczecin 2005
  33. Barzyk G. Assessment of the amount of electricity produced by wind power plants in the context of selected parameters, IV Conference Renewable Energy in West Pomerania, Szczecin 2006
  34. Barzyk G. Connection of wind power plants to the energy network in the context of IRIESD regulations, PSEW Conference Warsaw 2007
  35. Barzyk G. Connection of wind power plants to the power system - case study; V Conference "Renewable Energy in West Pomerania". Szczecin 2007
  36. Barzyk G. How to connect small wind power plants; V Conference "Renewable Energy in West Pomerania". Szczecin 2007
  37. Barzyk G. Prospects for the development of wind energy in the West Pomeranian Voivodeship and in Poland; Training materials ZEDO 04.2008
  38. Barzyk G. How to connect a biogas plant to the power system. Current and planned legal and technical conditions, Conference Renewable Energy as a chance for the Kołobrzeg health resort and the Region, Kołobrzeg 26-27.10.09 Kołobrzeg
  39. Barzyk G. Outline of wind energy considering legal-technical aspects; XVII Scientific and Technical Conference Areva, Jachranka, May 2010
  40. Barzyk G. Cheap energy for the Company. Northern Chamber of Commerce 2010
  41. Barzyk G. Obtaining connection conditions for a wind farm to the power grid. GreenPower 2011
  42. Barzyk G. Key operational experiences of a wind power plant owner, Poleko, November 2011

Published in Journals
  1. Barzyk G. Wind Energy: Before You Announce Construction - Get to Know the Area! Wishes and Dreams vs. Reality; Energia Gigawat; May 2003
  2. Kotowska I., Barzyk G. Road Transport of Wind Power Plant Components in Polish Conditions, Clean Energy, July/August 2003
  3. Barzyk G. Wind Power Plants as Aviation Obstacles, Light Up When Needed, Energia Gigawat, September 2003
  4. Barzyk G. Repowering and the Polish Issue; Clean Energy, February 2004
  5. Barzyk G. Application of Real-Time Technology in Wind Energy, "Energetyka", 12/2004
  6. Barzyk G. Wind Energy in EU Countries, Energia Gigawat 03/2005
  7. Barzyk G. Expected Increase in the Importance of RES - Energy Issues, Energia Gigawat, 04/2006
  8. Barzyk G., Grunwald A. A Way to Your Own Electricity, Ładny Dom, August 2006
  9. Barzyk G. How to Connect a Wind Power Plant, Clean Energy, April 2007
  10. Barzyk G. Problems and Current Directions of Wind Energy Development in Poland; Clean Energy, February 2008
  11. Barzyk G. Lease of Land for Wind Power Plants, Agrotechnics, June 2008
  12. Barzyk M., Barzyk G. Opportunities and Threats for Wind Energy in Poland in Light of the Proposed Amendments to the Energy Law, Clean Energy, February 2009
  13. Barzyk G. Short-circuit Criterion and Connection Conditions to the Grid, Clean Energy, April 2009
  14. Barzyk G. Development of National Wind Energy in Three Acts. Clean Energy, April 2010
  15. Barzyk G. RES - Object of Desire? Financial Newspaper 1.10.2010
  16. Barzyk G. Uncertain Future of the Industry. Financial Newspaper 03.02.2011
  17. Barzyk G. Operational Aspects of a Wind Power Plant - Part I. Clean Energy, November 2011
  18. Barzyk G. Operational Aspects of a Wind Power Plant - Part II. Clean Energy, December 2011
  19. Barzyk G. Government Changes to Support RES. Financial Newspaper 13.09.2013
  20. Barzyk G. The New Reality of Wind Energy in Poland - What's Ahead? Clean Energy, April 2014
  21. Barzyk G. Transition to the Auction System is a Mistake, Financial Newspaper, July 2014
  22. Barzyk G. A Few Words About the Moods Among "Medium" Wind Energy Producers, Clean Energy, November 2014
  23. Barzyk G. Changes Will Also Affect Smaller Wind Turbines, Clean Energy, 04.2016
  24. Barzyk G. Wind Energy as a Tool of Politics, Clean Energy, 09.2016

Published as Individual Studies (Important)
  1. Szwed P., Zeńczak M., Barzyk G. Study of the Possibilities of Connecting Wind Power Plants to the Existing 110 kV Power Grid and Analysis of the Modernization Needs of the 110 kV Network in Terms of Increasing Transmission Capacities; Executed for Energetyka Szczecińska S.A., Szczecin 2001
  2. Barzyk G. Technical Opinion on the Innovativeness of the Technology of the Planned Tymień Wind Farm, Szczecin 2004
  3. Barzyk G. Modeling and Simulation Studies of the Wind Power Plant Control System Using Artificial Intelligence Methods, Doctoral Thesis, Szczecin 2004
  4. Barzyk G. Technical Opinion on the Necessity of Modernizing the 110kV Morzyczyn-Pyrzyce Line Section, executed for ENEA O/Szczecin; Szczecin 2005
  5. Barzyk G. Valuation, Technical Assessment, and Usability Assessment of the Acowind A-63 Wind Power Plant; executed for the Tax Office in Elbląg, Szczecin 2006


Received in Written Form
  1. PROMAX s.j. Company
  2. P.P.U.H. CERTO-STAL s.c.
  4. F.H. JANKO
  5. PIGEO
  6. Foundation for Personnel Training
  7. Lodz University of Technology
  8. Energa Operator O/ Płock for 2010 and 2011
  9. Energa Operator O/ Płock for 2012
  10. Energa Operator O/ Olsztyn for 2013 and 2014
  11. Energa Operator O/ Toruń for 2009-2012
  12. PGE Distribution O/ Łódź Teren for 2011-2012
  13. PGE Distribution O/ Łódź Teren for 2013-2014
  14. Energa Operator O/ Płock for 2014
  15. Energa Operator O/ Płock for 2015
  16. Energa Operator O/ Olsztyn for 2015
  17. PGE Distribution O/ Łódź Teren for 2015
  18. Energa Operator O/ Płock for 2016
  19. Energa Operator O/ Olsztyn for 2016
  20. PGE Distribution O/ Łódź for 2016
  21. Energa Operator O/ Koszalin for 2017
  22. Energa Operator O/ Płock for 2017
  23. Energa Operator O/ Koszalin for 2018
  24. PGE Distribution O/ Skarżysko Kamienna for 2019
  25. Energa Operator O/ Płock for 2019
  26. Energa Operator O/ Koszalin for 2019
  27. Energa Operator O/ Olsztyn for 2019
  28. PGE Distribution O/ Skarżysko Kamienna for 2019
  29. PKP Energetyka for 2020
  30. Energa Operator O/ Koszalin for 2020
  31. Energa Operator O/ Płock for 2020
  32. Energa Operator O/ Olsztyn for 2020
  33. PKP Energetyka for 2021
  34. Energa Operator O/ Koszalin for 2021
  35. PGE Distribution O/ Łódź for 2021
  36. Energa Operator O/ Olsztyn for 2021
  37. PKP Energetyka for 2022
  38. PGE Distribution O/ Łódź for 2022
  39. PGE Energetyka Kolejowa for 2023
  40. PGE Distribution O/ Łódź for 2023

Social Engagement
  1. Sponsor of the sports team - SALOS Szczecin - 1998 year - school (season 2008/2009)
  2. Sponsor of the sports team - SALOS Szczecin - 1998 year - squad (season 2009/2010)
  3. Sponsor of the Enkon Transalp 2011 expedition
  4. IV Transborder Economic Forum Police 2011
  5. Stepnica Days 2013
  6. Stepnica Days 2014
  7. Municipal Harvest Festival 2014
  8. VI Jazz Picnic 2014
  9. Fish Feast 2014
  10. Municipal Harvest Festival 2015
  11. Stepnica Days 2015

Press Articles about the Company
  1. Kurier Szczeciński from 08.09.2010
  2. Głos Szczeciński from 08.09.2010
  3. Gazeta Wyborcza from 31.08.2010
  4. Magazyn Policki No. 6/10
  5. RPO WZP Magazine 01/2012
  6. Entrepreneur Magazine 3/2010

Video Materials
  1. Material 1 - summary from TV Police
  2. Material 2 - amateur film from a paramotor
  3. Material 3 - success funds